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Last night I wrote down the tasks I wanted to complete today before calling it a night. To do this, I decided to separate my work tasks from my personal tasks by keeping two separate mini logbooks that fit in my pockets.

As this is the first day for this process, the success rate has been immense. For my work tasks I had listed 12 tasks. Of those 12 tasks, I completed 11 of them! Many of these tasks I kept putting off and forgetting to do because things can go a little haphazardly at work.

I am in the business of customer service, so often, despite having a pile of folders and a ton of emails that need my attention, people will come in my office and want me to stop what I am doing to take care of their needs. It can extremely frustrating, especially as you have deadlines looming. Sooooooooo, listing those items I want to complete and actually accomplishing over 90% of them is a WIN in my book.

For my personal tasks, I only listed 4 and this post is the last item left to accomplish. Even though this list was shorter, it had a physical fitness task on it, and I am soooooooooo not into physical fitness. That said, in the last few months, I have packed on a few extra curves and my jeans and favorite sweats are not necessarily all in favor of the new me. I mean, I don’t look out of shape, but looks and feelings are not one in the same. Being able to check that task off today really made me feel good.

The other task I checked off was editing two chapters of Tempted (go look at the book trailer). Based on my timeline, I have until the end of the month to complete this final draft. If I edit two chapters a day I will reach that goal easily. Listing these as taskers the night before seems to be working … but it has only been one day. Let’s see what happens in a week or so. Either way, stay tuned!


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