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It’s MindSpeaka Monday! And let me tell you, this last week I have DEFINITELY been Bossing it up! I may be working someone else’s 9-to-5 right now, but the plan is to eventually work for myself.

It is really easy for us to get lost in the sauce of making a living, never truly allowing ourselves to live. But best believe, SOMEONE is living, and they could be living off of you! That’s real talk.

Even if you aren’t setting goals to be better and do better for yourself, TRUST, you are doing it for someone else.

We have to want to strive to improve upon ourselves and reach higher heights. If you don’t try, there is no one else to blame for it but yourself. YOU are the one in the driver seat and YOU set the coordinates for your destination.

Now don’t get it twisted. I am not saying there is anything wrong with supporting others in reaching their dreams. I’m just saying don’t let it be at the sacrifice of your own. Don’t be a mule to someone else’s success all your life.

For real. Put in that work. Be your own Boss.

I know I said it last week, but the truth is the truth; #LevelUp.


Psst… Still here? If you didn’t know already, Tempted is now available for pre-order! Want to get a signed copy? Go to my home page for more info! Thanks!

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