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Today has been a GREAT day! Well, inspiring day. I received my proof for Tempted in the mail, and it is amazing to see all that hard work in print.

That said, I had to resubmit for another proof just now. Actually, the last few hours I have been adjusting the formatting of the text and the formatting of the cover so that I could resubmit everything for another proof. Formatting can be tedious when you are doing it by hand and not with a simple program (my cover is a word doc converted into pdf), but it is not anything I cannot handle.

My family and friends have been UBER supportive and excited for me since seeing that I have received my proof. I cannot wait to get a copy in all of their hands! In the meantime, though, based off the interest, I think I will see how I can incorporate signed copies. Again, I love my family and friends for making this all worth it! I know you will enjoy seeing bits and pieces of yourself in the characters.


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