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First, the love has been so dope since showing the proof yesterday! Like, I am really getting excited at this point!!!! DOPENESS!!!

Okay, okay, now to what I actually planned on making this blog about.

Have you ever been in a position where you felt your worth was being taken for granted? Like, you know the job calls for you to show up EVERYday, but you try to do even more than that, despite all the things that are daily working against you? Like, really demotivating attitudes and situations?

Yeah, that’s how I have been feeling lately. Aside from these amazing things taking place in my personal, my professional has been getting the best of me lately. I absolutely LOVE what I do. I LOVE helping others, even when they feel I’m not helping at all. It’s a passion thing for me!

That said, I am only human, and the career I have chosen for myself thus far has me ready to seek other fields of employment… like SELF-employment.

I think that is why I am FINALLY doing everything I could’ve, should’ve done over a decade ago!!! Who knows, maybe I could have been working my dreams and still supporting the advancement of others. Or maybe I needed these years for the self-discipline.

Whichever it was or is, I am ready to EXECUTE. I know my Big Brother is not reading this, but if he was or ever does, this is for him: Thank-you for being there and listening; and although I am definitely bent to extremes, I am not broken. I won’t let this break me.

Even if not everyone can see my worth, I can, and that’s what matters.

Many blessings!


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