by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Jan 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
I am a little late, but I am trying to make it so I am a little bit more productive this year than I have been in any other year. I have been watching videos about productivity as long as I can remember, yet generally am horrible at putting what I learn into...
by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Jan 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
Another late night, with work tomorrow. UGH! But today started on the journey of coaching my first artist/author. We had a discussion about what she wants to write about, her audience, and a few other things. It’s exciting that someone trusts me to advise them...
by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Jan 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
I’m literally in the car on my way to get some food after picking up my sister. I’m actually really hungry, but pretty certain midnight will beat me to the house. I spent a lot of time looking up stuff about preparing your home for rental. This will be a...
by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Jan 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
WHY do I want to do/try so many things? I want to publish my novel; well, I will. I want to get into finances. I want to learn about real estate. I want to vlog. I want to write more. I want to try drop selling. I want to sell items I have on hand I don’t need...
by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Jan 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Today I discovered ALUX videos on YouTube and have been binging on it ever since. I honestly want to discuss some of the things that I have been taking away, but the truth is it’s been a long day. I am really tired and we just got home from a 4 hour drive....