by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Feb 26, 2015 | Uncategorized
I am currently working on this strip club scene in my novel. One of my main characters is at a strip club trying to see someone, but the person doesn’t seem to be there at the moment. This is the final scene planned for Chapter 15, and I have a deadline to...
by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Feb 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
Have you ever heard of “niche” or “finding your niche” before? To be honest, I had heard of it but never considered it as apart of my day to day. That said, it seems I have always been operating with my “niche” in mind. When I...
by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Feb 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
This journey to finally finish this novel has opened my eyes to sooooooo much information! The web is way more comprehensive than it was when I first started my interface with it. You can find EVERYTHING on it – good and bad. Including what the world...
by Ameehsal MindSpeaka | Feb 17, 2015 | Uncategorized
Once upon a time, I was real good at writing about myself and what I had going on. Somewhere between colorful words on LiveJournal and MySpace, to status updates on Facebook, it got lost. The hope is to use this blog to encourage myself to get that back....